Plan Your Work, Work Your Plan
Saturday, 21 July 2007
I have heard it said that most people don't plan to fail. They just fail to plan.
I suspect that many who are working on the internet fall into that great heap of mankind. Yours truly is right in there with the rest of you.
Starting out with a great plan of promotion is one of my weekly goals each Monday morning. Before I know it the time has slipped away and it's 10 AM.
I have accomplished little except some surfing and opening and reading email messages from friends and the latest great ri*ch offer from several marketers.
If you have read any of what I have written, I have mentioned that I had a friend, a lady, who had as her motto: "Plan your work, work your plan". She was very successful in business.
I do pretty good on the first part of planning my work, but I seem to stumble on the second part of working my plan.
Here are three suggestions for staying on task when it comes to implementing an on line plan of promotion.
1) Have a checklist with time limitations that you follow each day of the week.
Monday- Visit forums- 1 hour Tuesday- Work on website- 30 mins Wednesday - Add messages to autoresponders- 30 mins Thursday - Write new article & submit- 1 hour Friday - Read new information- 1 hour
Well, you get the idea. Have a plan and stick with it.
Now I know it's easy to get involved and let the time slip away from you. So instead of having to write the time down and keep up with when it has expired, you may opt to use this next item.
2) Use a simple Fr*ee program like "Alarm Me" to remind you when it's time to move on to the next task on your checklist.
It sets in your tray and pops up whenever it is time to alarm you about your notice that you have scheduled to do. It also has a timer you can set to remind you to stop on something.
You can also schedule a time to shut down your computer and other neat events with this thing and there is a calendar included too.
I personally have this in my tray and it works great if you will use it.
3) Automate as many of your routine tasks as you can by using autoresponders, and software systems like one I use called "Biz Automator".
It automatically types responses to tedious routine support emails for you in seconds.
I use this thing every day and it is great. It saves me hours of repetitious typing.
It is very simple to set up. No scripts to upload, no files to modify, etc. I highly recommend it.
So there are three suggestions for implementing your promotional system.
Now it's time for you to Plan your work and work your plan.
Best of luck with your promotional efforts.
- Larry
About the Author
SAVE HOURS OF TEDIOUS TYPING Automate your responses today... Simple & easy to use each day Get It Here
Labels: planning
posted by Nawaki's @ 06:59,